I have a confession to make. I have a slight obsession with the LDS/ Mormon Church and more specifiably the fundamentalist sects they spawned. A couple months ago I read "Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer which is basically a book about the history of Mormonism intertwined with a story of a Mormon man killing his sister in-law. When I saw that Jon Krakauer recommended this book written by a former Mormon fundamentalist, I knew I had to read it.
Escape is written by Carolyn Jessop with help from Laura Palmer. Carolyn was raised a fundamentalist Mormon in the sect that was eventually taken over by Warren Jeffs. Without ruining too much of the plot, Carolyn has an arranged marriage at 18 into a polygamist and has eight children in the following 15 years. (All of this is covered in the prequel, which you must read!). The story of abuse that follows is harrowing. This book is extremely disturbing so I don't want to say I "enjoyed" it, although I did very much. From the beginning of the book, you know she eventually escapes. Usually I hate knowing the ending of any story, but I think it was important in this case. It may me keep going, knowing eventually she'll get out.
Please read this book. I think that everyone should know what is going on right now in our very own country. The abuse happening in these sects is extremely disturbing. As you read it though, please keep in mind that these fundamentalist sects are absolutely NOT what the mainstream Mormon Church is all about.
It is an extremely easy read, it only took me about 3 hours to read it, mostly because I couldn't put it down.
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